Color Tips Use 3 distinct colors to make a real dynamite piece. Example: Color 1 - transparent or opaque pearl or cream, Color 2-matte rainbow blue, Color 3 - transparent rainbow grey. Experiment with various 3 color combinations together until you find one you like. Instructions Measure 13" of Soft Flex. Cut 3 strands this
length. Take one hemostat and put the end of one strand in it. Make sure it is taut in the
hemostat. Begin stringing on one color of seed beads. You do not need a needle, just stick
them directly onto the Soft Flex. You can also stick the Soft Flex You may have to remove one hemostat to pull the
strand portion beneath another portion and then put the hemostat back on. When you have
the first piece formed like the illustration, put the hemostat back on the end and take
the piece from the t-pins and foam core board. Put the next Soft Flex wire piece in the
hemostat with the other beaded wire and string it with another color. When finished, use
one hand to take it
Now go to Beadwrangler's Hands On Bead Stringing book to finish the crimp bead and make a Why Knot necklace to go with it. The photo image of the necklace with a pendant is a Why Knot necklace and the pendant is put on with a lark's head closure so I can interchange it with other items on the necklace. How do you get a fancy charm to hang on the end of the pendant? If you have a charm with a big hole for hanging, string in on after you string all three strands and pull it around and through the path of the knot until you get to the center. If you have a charm with a small hole, you will have to string the first necklace to the center, then put on the charm, then continue stringing beads and finish. You will have to fit the charm over each strand of Soft Flex while stringing to position it. Just think of all the other projects you can make with Soft Flex and seed beads. Enjoy! The Beadwrangler. For more Soft Flex projects see Beadwrangler's Hands On Bead Stringing. One of the projects in this book includes a necklace that you can use to wear your Double Coin Knot Pendant. |
When you make copies of these instructions to share with your friends, please tell them you got them at Beadwrangler's. |