
Jasmina Workshop
Lydia F Borin

A Beadwrangler Workshop

Jasmina Ribbon Purse


Ribbon purses can be made in many shapes and embellished with beads, charms, buttons and other materials. The following supplies and instructions are for two of these purses; Purse A: a purse broach with a front closure and Purse B: a pocket purse with no outside closure.  After you make these two purses, try something non-symetrical like the purse at the top of the page.

Click here to read The Jasmina Purse Story

Seed Beads size 11, 4 colors
Colors 2 and 3: about 3 strands;
Colors 1 and 4: about 6 strands.
Strap for Purse B: about 3 strands.
Seed Beads size 8, 1 color. These beads are separators between strands; 1 strand will probably do.
Seed Beads size 14 or 16, 1 color. They go before and after the size 8s and 2 strands should do.
Thread beading thread; I use Silamide Size A. Use a color that matches the ribbon fabric edge.
Needles sharps size 11 or 12 and/or beading needles size 12. I use sharps for stitching the ribbon together and the small loops on the purse and beading needles for the longer bead loop fringe.
Pin back small 1" for purse A.
Flat 1 each for Purse A; this is a bead that is domed on top and flat on the bottom and the hole goes sideways; you could also use a small button or 6mm bead.
Thin cord about 5" for flat or button closure for purse A.
Optional small snap for closure on either purse. A snap would take the place of the cord on Purse A and fit behind the flat on the purse inside. A snap would be inside Purse B at the very top.
Ribbon thin fancy ribbon - 1¼" to 1 ½" in width, 10" in length. You can usually buy ribbon by the foot (12"). Purse B has a strap and requires 2 size 8 to 10mm beads. You will need about 3 strands of seed beads for stringing the strap.
Optional table light with extension cord and magnifier if you need them for working with small beads.


sb seed beads. All size 11s will be listed with sb and a number to indicate how many, example 3sb is 3 seed beads. Size 8 and 14 seed beads will be listed as size 8 and size 14 without the words seed beads added.
tie off Use a needle to sew in loose threads and cut off the excess thread.

Making Purse A
Jasmina Ribbon Purse
Take 10" of ribbon and fold it in half with the right sides on the outside, (See Fig. 1). Take the open fancy ends and fold each end ¼" towards the inside. Use a straight pin to hold the ends together if necessary while stitching the edges together, (See Fig. 2). Now fold each edge of that end again to form an inverted "V" or envelope shape. Both edges should come together. Stitch these two edges down with beading thread., (See Fig. 3). Now take the opposite end from the envelope end, bring it forward towards the envelope end, about halfway. Use straight pins if needed to hold the ribbon until it is stitched down. Stitch along one side from the envelope edge to the other end, you will be stitching 4 thickness when you get to the halfway point where the ribbon is folded and tie off the thread at the end. Do the same on the other side. Leave the middle folded area open, (See Fig. 4). Fold the envelope end down towards the other end; the fold should be right where the purse opening starts. The envelope end should reach almost to the bottom of the folded end, (See Fig. 5). The purse overlapped should measure about 1¼" in length. Now you are ready to add the flat. Stitch it to the very edge of the envelope bottom in the middle. Next take the cord, measure enough cord to go around the flat and make a knot below that. Stitch the knotted cord end to the bottom of the folded purse edge. Now you should be able to put the cord around the flat and close the purse. The following instructions are for bead embellishment to the purse flap and around the purse edges. When you finish the purse flap and bead fringe, us e a needle and thread to sew on a small pinback onto the back of the purse and tie off.. Then you will have finished your Jasmina Ribbon Broach.
figure 1 figure 2 figure 3 figure 4 figure 5

Flap for Purse Afigure 6

Use 4 different color sb. Start at one side of the purse flap, from the underside of the purse to the front. Thread the needle and knot the thread end. Take the needle through one purse flap edge and make sure the thread is taut. String on 1sb of Color 1, 1sb of Color 2, 1sb of Color 3 and 1sb of Color 4 and take the needle through the front of the purse flap edge and back out. (See Fig 6). Now you are ready to make the next stitch. You are making bead loops around the purse flap. Continue around the edge until you get to the middle where the flat is. Stitch underneath the flat and then continue the bead pattern on the other side. When you get to the end of the flap on the other side, tie off.


Jasmina Ribbon Purse

     Making Purse B    

Jasmina Ribbon Purse
Take 10" of ribbon and fold it in half (See Fig. 1). Take both ribbon edges and fold them under, ¼" of the fancy side folded towards the inside and sew across, stitching them together (See Fig. 2). Now move that folded side to the middle of the ribbon on one side. Fold the ribbon again with that folded portion to the inside right in the middle, (See Fig. 3). Stitch the length of both sides of the ribbon together leaving an opening at the top, (See Fig. 4). The ribbon folded should be about 2" in length. Now the purse is ready for embellishment and the strap. See Purse Fringe for A&B for embellishment around the purse edge.
figure 1 figure 2 figure 3 firgure 4


Making Purse Fringe for Purse A & B

From the front to back, start with Color 1, then Color 2, then 1 size 8, then Color 3 and finally Color 4, then stitch into the back of the purse, go through the ribbon to the front side and begin the next strand, (See Fig. 7). You will continue around from one side to the other and continue until you are getting low on thread. Tie off , add more thread and continue. The strands will begin as small loops, become longest at the middle of the purse and then become small again on the other side. Refer back to Fig 6 to see several loops lining up along the purse. Loops will be much closer together than shown in the illustration.

Side Fringe for Purses A&Bfirgure 7

Note: The size 8 seed bead will always be in the middle between colors 2 and 3.

First strand 2sb of color 1, 3sb of color 2, 1 size 8, 3sb of colors 3&4.

Next 3 strands 3sb color 1, 3sb of color 2, 1 size 8, 3sb of colors 3&4

Next 3 strands 4sb of color 1, 3sb of color 2, 1 size 8, 4sb of colors 3&4

Next 3 strands 5sb of color 1, 3sb of color 2, 1 size 8, 5sb of colors 3&4

Next 3 strands 6sb of color 1, 3sb of color 2, 1 size 8, 6sb of colors 3&4

Continue adding 1 more sb of each color in size 11 for each 3 strand group of sb; always 3sb for color 2.

You will continue adding a sb as you do the next 3 strands. When you get to one end of the purse edge you should have about 12sb of each color in the strand. The number of strands per side will depend on the length of the ribbon purse folded and how close you set your bead strands.

Bottom Fringe for Purses A&B

From the bottom across, add 1sb to color 1, 3 &4, continue 3sb to color 2; increase in each strand across. For longer strands, add 3sb to colors 1, 2, 3&4 in each strand. When you get to the middle, make the middle strand 3sb longer per color than the last strand, then start back with the same combinations you previously used. When you start back up the other side, use the same number of sb you did to go down the first side. You can also start thread and needle on each purse side and put equal strands on each side as you work towards the bottom to make sure they are even.

You can stop now and your purses will have loops of beads hanging around the purse that swing and sway with your every move. You can also add the fancy finishing which pulls in the beads more and they do not swing and sway as much. Make some purses with fancy finishes and leave it off others.

Fancy Finishing for Purses A&Bfigure 8

String on new beading thread and take the needle into one side of the purse near the fringe. Take the needle through the first strand of beads and bring the needle out next to the size 8, string on 3 size 14s or smaller, and take the needle through the size 8 of fringe and tie off. (See Fig. 8) Your Jasmina Ribbon Purse fringes are complete.

Necklace Strap for Purse Bfigure 9

String new thread, doubled, long enough to go from one side of the purse, around your neck and back to the purse and still be able to get the strap over your head, add 6 more inches on each side for stitching into the purse. Knot one end of the thread and stitch into the purse through the first loops of one side of the purse so the thread does not show. Stitch back and forth a few times to be sure the thread is taut, then begin stringing. String 10 seed beads, then one of the large beads, then continue with seed beads until you are near the end, add another large bead and 10 seed beads and stitch into the other side of the purse. Stitch back and forth until you are sure the purse is taut and tie off, (See Fig 9). Add another strand of thread around and through the strap for strength and tie off. You can string the strap in groups of the same colors as the fringe and put a size 8 bead between each group. You can add beads around the edge of the purse opening using the color combination used in Purse A and tie off. Your Jasmina Ribbon Purse Necklace is finished.

Adding Earrings

You can use smaller ribbon to make miniature earrings like the envelope shape of Purse A and stitch the front closed rather than having openings. Glue on earring studs or sew a beaded loop to the top of each and put on earring findings. Have fun! Make up your own creations. Read the Jasmina Ribbon Purse story that goes with the purses.

Copyright© 1998 Lyden Enterprises
All rights reserved. No part of these instructions may be transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including but not restricted to, recording or by any information storage and/or retrieval system without prior permission in writing from the author.
Designs shown in these instructions are intended for personal use only. Mass marketing of the designs as finished work or as kits is prohibited without permission in writing from the author.
Instructions and designs have been tested and are presented in good faith, but no warranty is given, nor results guaranteed.

When you make copies of these instructions to share with your friends, please tell them you got them at Beadwrangler's.

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